Frequently Asked Questions

Can I work remotely?

Yes. We have developed a highly successful virtual sales process.

What's the pay?

Agents start at 80% commission and have the opportunity to earn a 10% pay raise in their fast start. Eligible for future promotions every quarter based on performance.

Are agents paid commission only?

Yes. This is full-commission sales. Agents are paid based on what they sell.

How much can a new agent make?

An agent's income is solely based on their performance. The average policy pays out $500-$1,000 in commission. Working full-time, the average agent can earn $80,000 in year one.

Do I need an insurance license?

Yes. We have resources to help new agents obtain their license. Process may vary by resident state.

Is experience required?

No. Training is thorough, interactive, and ongoing so agents never stop learning. We cover all aspects of the sales process before you write a policy.

Do I have to find my own clients?

No. We connect agents to a massive inventory of high-intent inbound leads, real-time leads, and aged leads.

Can I start part time?

Yes. We allow agents to start part-time before transitioning into a full-time career.

Business Hours

Mon-Fri 10-7PM EST

Sat 11-2PM EST

Contact Us


(302) 359-5509

Charlotte, NC

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