Frequently Asked Questions

What does Life Insurance Cover?

Your beneficiaries can spend your policy's death benefit however they would like. But they typically will need it to cover everyday expenses, like monthly bills, groceries, and other household/family essentials. It also covers some of life’s biggest expenses, like a home mortgage, any outstanding debt like credit card debt, student loans, etc, your children’s college tuition, and it can also replace lost income. It also comes in handy for end of life expenses, like funerals and end of life care.

What is the difference between Term and Whole Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is more affordable with relatively low monthly rates. However, it provides coverage for only a fixed period of time — typically 10 to 30 years, depending on your policy. If you time it right that is typically all that most people need.​​Whole life insurance covers your entire life. The benefit here is that along with the typical death benefit payout throughout your life you also receive cash value - which basically builds your assets & can be used as savings for your retirement.During our free consultation, we will help you compare different plans & find the one that's best for you.

How much Life Insurance do I need?

Our experts recommend getting coverage that is 10-30 times your income. This ensures without a doubt that your family will be financially stable in the long run. However, we have plans for every budget and circumstance and we will be happy to find the best one for you.

Who Should Apply?

You need life insurance to protect your family during the unstable times after a loss. Money should be the last thing that they have to worry about during that vulnerable time. Especially if you pass away before you’ve had time to pay off all of your debts and save for the future. Life insurance helps avoid putting a financial burden on your loved ones.

You should apply if you are a:

Parent - new parents and single parents especially. This is the best way to ensure your kids are always going to be fine.

Young adult - if you have private student loans or other loans, like a mortgage you can use the cash value in whole life insurance to borrow from if help with loan payments is needed.

Older adult - if you are nearing retirement you may need coverage soon.

Senior - if you can’t independently pay for your end-of-life medical care or burial expenses then life insurance is a great option to help your family with these expenses

Find Out What Type Of Life Insurance Would Be Best For You And Your Family's Need

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